
For the past 36 years, by His amazing grace and power, God has indeed “enlarged the coasts” of HBBC from that little corner of Bacarra. Our church has started multiple growing congregations and outreaches all over the province and across the world. Our church is supporting hundreds of local and foreign missions with the aim of helping propagate the gospel of Salvation.

HBBC has for many years blazed the trail to its constituents, faithfully and fearlessly mentored by our beloved senior pastor, Provy Cadelina, and our untiring Patriarch, Alejandro “Jhune” Cadelina.

Through the years, HBBC has been known not only as a soul-winning church but also a cheerful giving church, molded and trained how to truthfully and generously give to god and his work.

The incredible legacy of the HBBC cannot at all be written without seeing god’s amazing grace all over it! We thank and praise God to the life of one young man who answered god’s call and set his face to trek that rough and lonely road of service.

He did not look for greener pastures but instead put his wholehearted trust in god, who called him to the ministry. Pastor June and his family just believed in God. No ifs and buts and no more turning back. And this is where that unshakable trust has led the HBBC to where it is now.

Birth of Hosanna Bible Baptist Church

Many things have indeed happened to HBBC since that fateful day in 1983, when pastor June, then a 24-year old one-track minded young man finally gave his life to the Lord to heed his call to establish a church right in the heart of the small town of Bacarra. This rustic and historic town is home and dominated by then faithful followers of the Roman Catholic. This made the pioneering work truly difficult and challenging on the part of a novice preacher. Despite this, Pastor June has taken his calling seriously and consistently. He obediently marched on through the years to the bidding of the Lord, his Master, who in all power commanded the church to “go and preach the gospel.”

Starting with almost nothing in a work where he felt many has turned their backs against him even his family, he steadfastly labored, geared with a renewed vigor for the work, and a generous dose of faith in God. On June of 1983, he surrendered his life to be the full-time Pastor of this Mission without any promise of support from anyone. But the Lord never failed his servant ever since. That day, the Bacarra Bible Baptist Church saw her first light of day.

The Bacarra Bible Baptist Mission officially held its first Sunday services at Brgy. 4 San Simon in an old house with a handful youthful believers.

Pastor June and Ma’am Cora has labored day and night conducting Bible Studies, good news centers and house to house soul winning. God blessed saw their efforts and people started to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Year after year, members, community folks and people around the town witnessed the phenomenal growth of the Bacarra Baptist Mission. It has not grown numerically but spiritually, more so in the area of cheerful giving and soul winning. Pastor June has always been a firm believer of the power of discipleship just like the Lord Jesus Christ.

Year after year, members and community folks around the town saw the phenomenal growth of the HBBC ministries. With the able leadership of pastor June, the church survived through many unwarranted criticism and skepticism. People began to see the big difference in his vibrant and thriving ministry. Though he suffered alienation and persecution from community folks he never lost his compassion to share the gospel to those who have not heard and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

He fearlessly preached the Gospel and taught the principles in the Bible especially in the area of cheerful giving and spiritual growth. As the mission house burst to the seams, the charter members eagerly worked and prayed for a new worship place. And because of His exemplary stewardship of god’s finances, his god-given talents and administrative abilities, it paved the way for the church to acquire a new property adjacent to the mission house.

The new edifice, called by the pastor “the monument of god’s grace,” was joyously dedicated to the lord.

Pastor June and his family to serve God along with the faithful members continued to share the Gospel and make disciples.

At the close of 2002, HBBC dedicated another 3-story building with a brand new auditorium that can sit about 300 people. An amazing work of God that was initially housed in a rented, dilapidated bungalow. And now, HBBC continues to outgrow each venue as we witnessed God’s faithfulness in transforming lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It can only be explained that it is by God’s hand that we are here today because of the life of one man who never regret surrendering his life to the Lord. A man who heed to the calling of God to preach the Gospel and make disciples.

We are all witnesses of how the life of this  “unashamed” gospel preacher who carried the heavy burden in his heart 39 years ago turned the vision of God into showcases of unimaginable blessings.

Local Missions and Outreaches

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel,” Jesus commanded us in Mark 16:15.

Here at HBBC, we are committed to encouraging, sending, and supporting people who are called by God to carry out the Great Commission – locally, nationally, and internationally. That conviction led HBBC to plant churches in the Ilocos Region.

During his early years in the ministry, Pastor June and his family put their hearts in helping plant churches and outreaches.

Determined to fulfill Christ’s great commission, Pastor June continued to labor and plant the seed of the Gospel in every town. This has led him to go on mission trips and Soulwinning Saturations. Little by little, we started to inaugurate Mission works in various cities and municipalities. This unwavering efforts has paved the way for our daughter churches to be established.

At present, Hosanna Bible Baptist church and Ministries nurture the growth of 4 daughter churches: Pasuquin, Laoag, Claveria, and Hawaii.

We also work to connect our church family with local mission opportunities, like Mission trips, Bible study groups, and house-to-house soul-winning. This is the reason why HBBC continues to expand through outreaches. Currently, we have outreaches in Aparri, Australia, Dingras, Sarrat, San Nicolas, Caruan, Vintar and Lasam.

HBBC exists to make and multiply Christ-followers, engaging our community and our world as agents of transformation who desire to see the glory of God magnified among all peoples.

As the Lord blesses and grows our church, we pray that he grants us even more opportunities to send out workers into the harvest.